If I Was a Guy, This Would Piss Me Off…

Watching late, LATE night TV with my nephew the other night, I stumbled across an infomercial for a slim & lift undergarment. Very off-putting. How hard is it REALLY to do 15 to 20 ab crunches, lay off the soda, & put the fork down sooner – every other day? Seriously! What a disappointment it would be to a guy who thinks he’s about to “behold” a firm, fit, toned naked body but instead, when she comes out of (insert whatever clothes changing location makes sense here) she has a small child’s worth of extra flesh around her middle & her rear that she had compressed & hidden inside a mega thick spandex girdle/bodyvice under her dress all evening. Friends, this is no better than that water bra that came out about ten years ago.

They should call this a LIEotard.

Just my opinion…

About thatkimber

I'm a thrill-seeking-sports-loving-OCD-ridden insomniac with no t.v., no boundaries, no cavities, no strings, no hidden agendas, no religion - no kidding. Oh, and sometimes I tweet something epic (and sometimes, something just plain stupid). http://twitter.com/thatkimber View all posts by thatkimber

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